
The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.

Vision Statement

The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race.


Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. The Flagler County Florida Branch NAACP was chartered on February 15, 1986.


Recognition of Outgoing Officers

President Dr. Phyllis Pearson and the Flagler Branch recognize the contributions of our outgoing officers.

Black History Month Message
Recognition of Our NAACP Flagler Branch Outgoing Officers:
Shelley Ragsdale, Reinhold Schlieper, and Merritt Robertson.

As we celebrate Black History Month, we honor the dedication and service of these outstanding leaders. Their commitment to justice, equality, and community empowerment has strengthened our branch and advanced our shared mission. We thank them for their invaluable contributions and lasting impact.

* Photos Provided by: David K Williams

Reinhold Schlieper

As treasurer of the Flagler Branch NAACP, Reinhold Schlieper applied his precise and accurate financial skills and deep commitment to civil rights to support the community and advance the organization’s goals. His efforts fostered collaboration and open dialogue, promoting equality and justice. His focus on solving problems strengthened our community and our pursuit of a fairer future.

Shelley Ragsdale

Shelley Ragsdale, a premier freedom fighter and former president, has made a lasting impact through his dedication to justice and equality. Now assisting in legal redress, he embodies resilience and hope, reminding us that the fight for civil rights is ongoing and inspiring others to stand for fairness and accountability.

Merritt A. Robertson

Merritt A. Robertson’s tenure as assistant treasurer showcased his financial expertise, keen awareness of finance, and dedication to equity. His contributions strengthened our operations and fostered collaboration in our pursuit of justice and equality.

Flagler County Branch NAACP Conducts Political Forum in Bunnell

In the City of Bunnell, the Flagler County Branch of the NAACP is dedicated to empowering voices and fostering community engagement through dynamic political forums, where local leaders and candidates come together to discuss pressing issues and inspire civic participation; these gatherings serve not only as a platform for dialogue but also as a celebration of our collective mission to advance equality and uplift our community, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued in the pursuit of justice and progress.


Fashion Show at Juneteenth Celebration


 AACS President Joseph T. Jones 

said a few words as he continued to inspire and encourage the community .


The Flagler County NAACPs Youth Council VP Samatha Brown announced the NAACP scholarship recipients of 2024 at the African American Cultural Center during the Juneteenth celebration on June 15, 2024 . Shortly after The Flagler County NAACP Youth Mass Choir performed. 


Flagler County NAACP Youth Council / Choir

The WIN Event at the Olive Garden

On June 10, 2024 W.I.N Women in The NAACP ( Flagler County ) had a successful meeting at Olive Garden in Palm Coast Fl thanks to president Alley Avery and NAACP President Phyliss Pearson 

The WIN Event at the Olive Garden

The WIN Event at the Olive Garden

The WIN Event at the Olive Garden

The WIN contimues

The WIN Event at the Olive Garden

The WIn Event Continues.


National Convention

National Convention

NAACP National Convention Join us in Las Vegas from July 13-17 as we convene to progress policies that impact Black America. naacp.org Delegate Registration is now open.     I have received the packet from National, and now all I need is your direction to register you...

Flagler County NAACP Membership Committee and Veterans Affairs Committee representing our unit at the Heroes Event.
Hopefully, this picture can be added to our website.  From left to right:
John White, Starlene Evans, Sonia White, and Adolphus Evans.


NAACP at Hero Park



NAACP Veterans Day Meet & Greet
AJ Evans



NAACP Flagler County Branch September Meet and Greet 

We would like to express our gratitude to the Membership Committee and Education Committee for their collaborative efforts in making our September Meet and Greet event a success. We would also like to extend a special thank you to our NAACP Flagler County Branch members and prospective members who attended the event and helped make it both fun and impactful. We greatly appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you at our upcoming November Meet and Greet event. Stay tuned for more details!


Thanks to Dr. Yvette Edghill Spano for the photos.

Meet & greet
Meet & Greet
Meet & greet
Meet & greet
Meet & greet.
Meet & greet


The Flagler County NAACP is excited to announce the commencement of its annual scholarship fundraising drive. As we strive to support and empower our community’s youth, we invite you to contribute to this important cause. You can easily make a donation by clicking the donate button above. Additionally, we are reaching out to all our past contributors through letters, expressing our gratitude for their invaluable support in the past and inviting them to join us once again. Our dedicated fundraising team is working tirelessly to ensure the success of this endeavor. In the accompanying pictures, in the left photo is the fundraiser leaders Shelley and Everett. In the photo on the right, you can see Gail, Yvette, Sharon, and Anita, diligently preparing the mailer. Together, we are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of deserving students through our scholarship program.

The NAACP Florida State Quarterly Conference and Officer Training Membership Luncheon

NAACP Conference
NAACP Conference

This was the NAACP Florida State Quarterly Conference and Officer Training, Membership Luncheon.    We took part in the press conference that presented the NAACP’s response to Ron DeSantis’ statement refusing the Black History AP class and the beating and death of Tyre Nichols.    After the luncheon, we spent 3 hours in training sessions that detailed our responsibilities as officers of an NAACP Branch.  Seated from left to right in the first photo: Adolphus Evans, Sonia White, Dr. Phyllis Pearson, Gail Danhoff, and Merritt Robertson.  Added to the second photo is John White because he was not in the first photo because he took the first photo.